The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor

Welcome… within the Ghostly walls of Gorski Manor… A place of the telling of gentle tales of endless halls, candles in the dark, whispers in cobwebs woven with Magick, Spells and Spiritual Workings. A telling of those that have been lost… and they that have been forgotten. Your host and guide Lesley-Anne Raven of Witherspoon, shares songs from spirit… to enhance and deepen the happenings you will encounter…. Story Tales… Episodes 1-6 – Getting into the Manor… Episodes 7-21 – Rabbit Clock Mystery Spell… Episodes 22-28… Things in the Corners of Gorski Manor with Harry… Episodes 29-33… Cobwebs, Broomes, and Knocks in the Night… Episodes 34 -here our path now be… Cellars of the Manor… Curiosities – Journeys 1-17 – Visualization Journeys to be part of the Manor!

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Friday Aug 18, 2023

Welcome Dear Listeners to our new path, within the spiral of Gorski Manor.   The Rabbit Clock Mystery Spell has been cast… Harry has been released!
Yet the Manor continues… new tales ready for the telling… join us for Episode one of "The Things in the Corners of Gorski Manor"… Oh, what shall be shared and found in the nooks and crannies, boxes and jars, sealed and hidden places….   all with the exciting company of none other… than Harry Gorski himself!
Blessings and Hugs!
😊  Song… Haunted House (Halloween EP) by Witherspoon…. Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Tarot/Oracle Cards: Magician, Knight of Pentacles, Confusion                         
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday Aug 04, 2023

Our Spell is cast!  What adventures we have had… within the grounds of Gorski Manor!   Finally, some understanding… as all is never to be known… yet magicks are alive... and calling!
Thank you so much, Dear Listeners, your presence is for surely part of the journey!
Watch for the new “gander” of tales… “The Things in the Corners of Gorski Manor!”, much, much more awaits us all!
Blessings and Hugs!
😊  Songs… Witches Brew (Songs from The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor)and Morning Tree (Haunted) by Witherspoon…. Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Twelve – Keep the Secret, ‘Nar to be spoken                                                     
Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Gar – the great nothingness… yet all…
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday Jul 28, 2023

The Clock strike 12… Midnight… the spell… the magicks… are flowing strongly within the Manor… Harry Gorski’s Manor!   Who be he?  The Winds know…
😊  Song…  Hangmen’s Tree (Trees) by Witherspoon…. Song available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Twelve – Touch the Sky, to the Moon they fly                                                     
Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Kenaz – The Rune of the lighthouse
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday Jul 21, 2023

Into “THE” Book we go… to discover insight into this tale!   Mirrors… Wights…and watching eyes!
Please remember to join us each Friday… for Episodes 20 – 21… as we   complete our tale of the Rabbit Clock Mystery Spell!   WUNJO!
😊  Song… Mirror Bright (Collection 2 – Songs from The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor) by Witherspoon…. Song available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Eleven… Cross the Meadow                                  Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Calc – Rune of one’s quest… a path… traveled by so many others within the groves of the Runes
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Episode 18 ”THE” Book

Friday Jul 14, 2023

Friday Jul 14, 2023

Within the library, needed insight is sought as the clock spell winds tighter… time running faster… closer to understanding… in the balance… of rooms with four walls inside Gorski Manor!
Starting this week, please join us each Friday… for Episodes 19 – 21… as we move quickly towards the completion of the Rabbit Clock Mystery Spell!   WUNJO!
😊  Song… Unnatural Tune (Collection 2 – Songs from The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor) by Witherspoon…. Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Ten… Crows Fill the Sky Sky                                Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Gifu – Companions of Four, equal balance
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday Jun 30, 2023

An ancient patron, offers insight into the realm of Gorski Manor!
“Apples, read of Time, they bee… hanging from… Hela’s tree!”  
😊  Song… Time (Collection 2 – Songs from The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor) by Witherspoon…. Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Nine…  Cast No Shadows                                          Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Mannaz – Rune of your Sovereignty
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Episode 16 Shadow Watcher

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Friday Jun 16, 2023

Within the ghostly gardens of the Manor… Magicks dance through the night… yet our path is drawn to a lone figure… watching…
😊  Song… The Haunting (Haunted) by Witherspoon…. Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Eight…  A Place where you are Wanted                   Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Isa – Rune of Memories… and Remembering
Please visit us on Twitter… for more lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday Jun 02, 2023

Within the Manor, deep inside the place of the first brick of its creation,  the ever present residents, share its beginning... so long ago.   A deep connection between our three travelers is revealed… strengthening their bound... for they... have traveled together… before!
        😊  Song… Monks Chant….
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Seven…  Vibrations                                                    Elder Futhark Rune Guide – Sowilo – Rune of Song
Please visit us on Twitter… for lovely sharings from the Manor!

Friday May 26, 2023

Here's a deeper look at the "Word Magick's" of our tale... “Marching On”, a lovely sharing’s just for you, dear listener!   Deeper sharings of what is within these empty walls of Gorski Manor!  
Curiosities… Word Magicks…from Feathers!  A Reading of our Rune’s name…. Ansuz… how this rune is woven and dwells within the Tale… sharing spiritual insight and… lovely curiosity!

Episode 14 - Marching On

Friday May 19, 2023

Friday May 19, 2023

Upon a window seat we sit, high above a cobblestone road that passes through Gorski Manor… road ever moving… ever calling us forward… homeward bound forever….
😊  Song… Window….Collection 2 – Songs from The Empty Rooms of Gorski Manor, Witherspoon, Songs available on many services… iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music. 
Rabbit Clock Spell: Mystery Clock Six… Slow down to Remember…
Elder Futhark Rune Guide: Ansuz… Remember your Knowledge



These gentle ghost tales are shared from…

€.  Journeys to other realms…

€. Anglo-Saxon, Northumbrian and Elder Futhark Runes…

€. Past lives…and ghosts…of course!

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